Add a Whiteboard
If you have strategic or personal goals that need to be reached and multiple deadlines, then an office whiteboard will help promote organisation and to help prevent human errors such as confusion and forgetfulness. However, if a whiteboard is too plain for your liking, a pin board is just as effective as a whiteboard, but it allows artistic features such as photos and calendars to be pinned to it.
The choice of seating within a home office is important, because hours will be spent in the office and comfort and support for posture is essential. Traditional and classic styled offices often feature a sofa within their space. Sofas within offices give offers a creative space, a classy and high-end look. It also can help to promote socialising within an office as group work and conversations can take place comfortably. Whilst on the subject of sofas, Chesterfield sofas offer both comfort and style to a home office.
“A tidy work environment equals a tidy mind” is a quote which is often used, and it is correct. If you want clarity and organisation whilst working, it is important to use shelving to help organise and tidy a work space. The types of shelving which can be used vary from wall shelving to stand alone shelving. Shelving can also be made from up-cycled materials such as wooden pallets which can be given for free or bought for less than £5 per pallet. Upcycling is can be fun and rewarding once the shelving has been made. Another angle to look at upcycled shelving is you are helping the environment by using pre-existing materials, which means the trees are being saved!
Some may argue desks are essential for home offices, this is true however, different types of home offices require different types of desks. For instance, if a home office is lacking space built in walldrobes and a built-in desk will help to utilise the lack of space. Desks do not always need to be brand new, old dining tables can also be transformed into desks. Desks with organisers will also help to create organisation and clarity of tasks that need to be completed within a company’s business activities.
Lighting is important within a home office and how lighting is used can also add decoration to a room. Lamps are often the preferred choice of lighting within an office as a desk lamp is good to help seeing close up work. Desk lamps do not have to be plain and boring, stylish lamps can add colour and style to a room.
Himalayan Salt lamps
Working from home can often feel stressful, especially when there are constant deadlines which need to be finished on time. Himalayan Salt lamps are of benefit to home offices because once they are heated up, the negative salt ions released by heating can help to boost blood flow, improve our quality of sleep, increase levels of serotonin in the brain which is good for preventing the negative effect stress has on our bodies i.e. depression, and it can help to calm allergy or asthma symptoms. The negative ions which are released from the lamp are also said to neutralize electromagnetic radiation from household electronics which are used in home offices, and it can even prevent the build-up of static electricity.
Himalayan Salt lamps are not only beneficial to functioning of our bodies and our mental health, but they can be a lovely piece of decoration. Salt lamps look similar to a huge piece of Rose Quartz, which is a beautiful natural stone, as they are both a pale pink shade and they have rough edges. The lamp also adds a slight warm light to a room which I believe creates a lovely romantic atmosphere.
Most home offices seem to have a plant, doesn’t they? This is because plants are ascetically pleasing, and they help to increase productivity. Indoor plants improve air quality within a room, which then helps people to feel comfortable within their work space, which leads to increased productivity. There has even been research from the UK and Australia which implies workplace happiness is improved as we form “friendships” with the plants we spend hours with.
Plants also offer responsibility to those who are maintaining them, because they need to be looked after and watered. Responsibility gives workers a purpose and when people have a purpose, they live happier more fulfilled lives.