If you’re determined to get into the best shape of your life in 2019, simply continue reading to discover a few tips to help you achieve your fitness goals this year.
How to reach your fitness goals in 2019:
1. Make new friends who share your passion for fitness
If you have friends who are willing to spend time hanging out at a yoga class or a spin class, you’re far more likely to be motivated to work out on a regular basis than if you were to socalize with individuals who tend to socialise at bars or restaurants.
Better yet, you may even make a friend who’ll inspire you to sign up for a fitness challenge such as a marathon or a triathlon together. Which will definitely help you get into the best shape of your life.
2. Work on creating a state of the art home gym
While you may be happy working out at your local gym, where you’ll be surrounded by like minded, active individuals, as there will times when you don’t have the time or energy to drive to your local gym, it’s also well worth creating a state of the art home gym in your garage or spare bedroom.
If you don’t want to splash thousands of dollars on purchasing exercise equipment for your newly created home gym, simply purchase one item for your home gym, every couple of months. As within two years you will have created an impressive home gym.
Once you have a few pieces of gym equipment such as yoga mat, a spin bike and a treadmill, you’ll be able to sneak extra workouts into your day when you have a bit of spare time up your sleeve.
3. Purchase a trusted fitness tracker in order to encourage yourself to work hard and make the most out of your daily workouts
If you have a tendency to turn up to your gym or to lace your shoelaces up for a run and complete a mediocre workout, you may find it easier to motivate yourself to push yourself and work through your comfort zone by purchasing a fitness tracker such as a Fitbit watch or wristband.
As your fitness tracker will be able to provide you with valuable information about your daily activity as well as stats from your individual workouts. Examples of some of the information which your fitness tracker will collect include how many steps and miles which you’ve accumulated over the course of a day, how many flights of stairs you’ve climbed and how many calories you’ve burnt in a single workout.
If you have your heart set on purchasing a fitness tracker, it’s well worth trying to get a fitness tracker which boasts a built in heart rate monitor so you’ll be able to sure that your heart rate is at an optimal level when you work out.
4. Meal prep at the beginning of the week
Your fitness goal may not just involve the gym and working out but also what you eat. It would be a good idea to plan ahead for the week and sort out meals so that you don’t feel tempted to stop for fast food. There are lots of ideas and easy to make lunches out there. You’ll want healthy fitness meals to reach your goal!
5. Place your fitness goals up in your home gym so that you’ll be reminded of them everyday
One way to keep your sights set on achieving your fitness goals is to place a handmade poster or a printed poster of your fitness goals up on the wall in your home gym.
So if you’re determined that this year is the year that you meet your fitness goals and get into the best shape of your life, it’s well worth following the tips listed above.
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