Regardless of your age, having a pet makes everything better. When we are lonely, a pet is there to listen if we are having a bad day. When our friends and family are busy with whatever is going on with their life, a pet keeps us company. Even when we are feeling lonely and getting up in the morning is a challenge, we know that our pet relies on us, they keep us motivated.
I didn’t have a pet growing up. I was 25 the first time I bit the bullet and decided I’m ready to be responsible and take my maturity to the next level. Plus, I’ve always wanted to have a pet, and I’ve been particularly interested and smitten with rodents.
They are small but fun, and they are the perfect start for me. In this article, I will show you the best rodents that you can have as a pet, ether it’s your first time or has experience with other rodents.
1. Rats
I know many people wouldn’t think of rat as a pet at first. We grew up hearing that rats are pests that terrorize our cupboards or they are the dirty animals that go through the garbage bins.
What we don’t know is that they are just like any other animals. They are misunderstood and misjudged. Just like a dog, cat, or fish, they simply need someone who understands them and needs care and love.
What we don’t know is rats are excellent pet options. They are clean, their food doesn’t cost more than a dog’s or cat’s, and they don’t bite like what we were told when we were young.
If you tame a rat properly, they can get used to your smell and recognize you using your scent. They will learn to trust you, cuddle with you, and play with you.
Rats are perfect starting pets for kids and even to an adult.
2. Hamsters
Hamsters are the rodents we often heard that many kids had as a pet. Unfortunately, many first-time owners doesn’t know how to look after a hamster which results in early deaths properly.
Hamsters are cute creatures; however, they need constant care and takes longer time to tame. I have a hamster, and while I love her so much, they are not the the best pet for young kids. They are moody and defensive.
However, that doesn’t make them the worse pet to have. If you have the patience and time, hamsters will love you and trust you until their final days.
Personally, I recommend hamsters to teenagers or adults instead of kids. Hamsters can be complicated and need attention, big cages, and lots of patience. Make sure to educate yourself about hamsters first.
3. Chinchilla
If you want a bigger pet but not as big as a cat or dog, a chinchilla is a fantastic rodent pet too. Chinchillas are easier to tame, looks like a stuffed toy, and you will have fun designed their cage. They also don’t escape as much as hamsters or rats do, and if they did, they are easier to find.
Chinchillas lives longer than a hamster. If you already have a hamster or rat, most of their food, habitat, and toys, are almost identical.
Chinchillas are great for teenagers and adults; however, with supervision, your kid can be a co-parent with you raising and taking care of chinchilla.
4. Guinea Pigs
Many people are actually unaware that Guinea Pigs are rodents, but they are! While they are very cute, you have to remember that they are significantly bigger than a rat. Which means they need more space and eat a lot more.
One thing you should remember is having a Guinea Pig will cost you more on cages, toys, food, bedding, and more. With this, I recommend Guinea Pigs to adults who are financially capable of providing a great, comfortable, and healthy life to them.
I hope this list of best rodents as a pet has been useful for you. If you are planning to give your kid a pet, remember that you are going to be responsible for them as much as they are.
When your kid loses interest with them, it’s your job to make sure that they are happy and healthy. Rodents need love and care as much as a dog or cat does.
They are often misunderstood, but they are one of the best pets you will ever have