Whether it’s totally out of character for your typically greedy dog, or it’s nothing out of the ordinary as they’re always turning their nose up to their meals, a dog that refuses to eat is definitely a real pet parent stress.
Your dog might be turning down mealtimes for many reasons, and it’s important to get to the bottom of this so you can get your pup excitedly gobbling down their dinners.
Without the right nutrition, your dog’s health will decline, their energy will deplete and their mood will drop, not what we want for our four-legged best friend!
So, it’s incredibly important to get your pup eating again, so keep reading to find out why your dog might be turning down their dinners and how to solve it. And soon enough, we’re sure you’ll have Fido tucking into some delicious dinners and feeling bright and waggy-tailed once again!
Why has my dog lost their appetite?
There are so many reasons why your dog might not be eating their food.
If the behaviour is super unusual as your pup usually gobbles down food like it’s going out of fashion, it could be that there’s a medical problem that needs addressing. Just like us, your dog is likely to lose their appetite if they’re feeling unwell.
Other reasons why your dog might have lost their appetite include:
· Stress
· Routine or environment changes
· Dental concerns that make it painful to chew/swallow
· You’ve just got a downright fussy pup!
Whatever the cause is, it’s essential that you try to determine what’s going on with your dog so you can get them to start eating their food again. After all, our dogs need to eat nutritious, delicious, healthy food so they can stay happy and healthy.
What should I feed my dog with no appetite?
First and foremost, you need to make sure your dog is still drinking water. Dogs can actually go for a few days without eating anything at all as long as they’re staying hydrated.
However, this is still not ideal as your dog’s energy will start to decrease with the lack of food.
So, to figure out what’s best to feed your dog with no appetite, it mostly depends on why they’re not eating.
If they’re not eating because they’re poorly…
As we know, it can often be a health problem that’s causing your dog’s lack of appetite if they ordinarily eat well. Without food, your dog will not have the nutrients and energy supply they need to recover.
So, for a poorly pup, the vets will typically recommend feeding a meal of plain cooked chicken and boiled white rice for the first few days. It’s light on the stomach, easy to digest while still being enticing enough to get your dog to approach their food bowl. After all, what dog doesn’t love a piece of juicy cooked chicken?!
Your dog might wolf this down immediately or it might take a little bit of coaxing from you. Small, regular portions and even feeding your pup by hand can be incredibly comforting when they’re feeling under the weather, which might do just the trick to get them to take back some food.
Chicken and rice is a great meal to get your poorly pooch back round to eating, but after a few days you’ll need to switch round to a nutritious, wholesome diet. Cooking your dog’s meals from scratch is not only time-consuming and expensive, but it won’t provide your dog with all the essential nutrients they need to look and feel tiptop.
High-quality food like Pure Pet Food is packed with real, nourishing ingredients and the recipes are totally tailored to your dog’s individual needs like their breed, age, weight and activity levels, along with any potential allergies and ailments your dog may have.
And on top of all that, dogs find it simply delicious!
If they’re just being picky…
When it comes to the pickiest of pups, you’ll need to be feeding meals that are delicious, tempting but still super healthy to ensure your dog is getting all the nutrients they need.
Surprisingly, a large amount of the pooch population are considered to be fussy eaters, refusing their dinners on the daily.
Dogs thrive when they’re eating delicious food that’s made from real ingredients, like meat, fruit and colourful veggies. However, many mainstream dog foods, like dried kibble biscuits, can get repetitive and boring which leaves many dogs uninterested. This type of dog food is often made with low-quality ingredients and processed beyond belief under extreme temperatures.
As a result, most of the goodness is sucked out of the food and the necessary nutrients and flavour will then be added back in artificially.
Not the good, honest, healthy food that we want our dogs to be eating, and it’s probably not what they want to be eating either!
So, what’s the best food?
Instead of those dull brown biscuits, Pure Pet Food offer real dog food that’s packed with real flavour.
Made with only the best ingredients and carefully prepared to naturally preserve every bit of nutrition, Pure is both healthy and tasty. It’s bursting with goodness and packed with flavour, far more appetising than a dull, brown biscuit. No need for anything weird, artificial or nasty.
By providing every dog with a tailored, tasty menu plan, Pure allows you to switch between different delicious recipes each month to give your dog a little bit of variety. It’s sure to entice your pup and allow them to find happiness in mealtimes once again.
Just add warm water, mix Pure up and serve, releasing those delicious aromas that your dog will be unable to resist! And just like humans, your dog will love a nice, warm meal to gobble up.
More top tips for bringing back your dog’s appetite
1) Don’t let your dog graze all day, put their dinner out and then take it back up if they don’t eat it within 10 minutes. Only put it back out at your dog’s next scheduled dinnertime to reinforce the idea of set mealtimes.
2) Take it slow and offer small portions as to not overwhelm your dog with huge mountains of food.
3) Hand feeding can be beneficial and comforting, but try to avoid doing this for a long period of time as your pampered pooch might expect to be fed like this all the time.
4) Some dogs like to work for their food and Pure Pet Food is perfect for stuffing into a Kong, spreading onto a lickimat or even rolling into tasty, bitesize balls to use more like treats. Not only does this get your pup eating again, but it provides plenty of mental enrichment to tire them out again.
Recap: The best food to feed your dog with no appetite
All in all, it’s essential that you try to tempt your dog’s appetite with wholesome, delicious food that’s filled with real, tasty ingredients that’ll give your dog perfectly balanced nutrition in every single bite.
Pure Pet Food is honest food, made to nourish your dog from the inside out, and perhaps most importantly, it’s totally irresistible and sure to deliver an empty bowl, a waggy tail and of course, a happy, healthy pup.